Friday, October 28, 2011

Phew...what a week it's been!

Hello-ween to one and all! (I know, corny, but it has to be done! Right?!)

Well, each year, I try to remind myself at about this time, that life is gonna be hectic for a bit, so just go with it! And each year, middle to late October comes, life turns into a whirling dervish and my life goes into one big tailspin!!!!!!

Fortunately, I've yet to spin out of control....but it could just be a matter of time!! Only kidding - I hope! In truth, I LOVE this time of year! I've been thinking about all the things that make it really special. Maybe some of these are your favorites too! Here's a list, in no particular order, but all seem so frightfully important just the same!!!

Fall; Halloween; the darkening evenings and cool mornings (it's Florida so it is more cool than cold!!....although we've had some cold, crisp and even mornings these last couple of winters so anything is possible!!); the multitude of houses decorated with orange and black, weird headstones and ghostly things that go bump in the night!; CANDY - oh yes, who can forget the candy!!; trick or treating; apples; apple cider; candy apples; pumpkins; CANDY - did I mention that already?!.......the list just goes on and on....and we've not even got to Christmas yet!...that delight with all the shopping, mall bustling and late night venturing to anywhere that's open and sells the one item your little darling wants so yet to arrive!!

Well, the one thing I haven't mentioned that also takes place at this time is my twin daughters' birthday party! Two of 'em, both born on the same day, both looking forward to a party, also this week and all that it has to bring!

So, you see now why my life is so busy at right about this time!


1) a birthday to prepare, buy for, share with and clean up after!
2) a birthday party to prepare, invite, buy for, share with and clean up after a houseful of girls! There's goody bags to prepare, a theme to come up with, cakes to bake (which I'm doing in between typing this! Last count - 34 done!), pinata to stuff and wonder how on earth to hang it from the lanai, pin the candle on the cupcake poster to design/draw (knew the art would come in somewhere in this blog posting!), presents to wrap in a multitude of layers so they look huge and very interesting (we are a typically English family so "pass the parcel" is a must at any kids party!!), and that doesn't begin to cover the thank you's.....
3) Halloween - costumes to think about, decide upon, try-on, buy and then wonder about where it can be worn to get the most use out of this annual purchase because it sure won't fit the kids next year!
4) School parties - Halloween/Fall parties (did I mention I'm baking 30 cupcakes for a Fall party this year? So, my count of 34 done is somewhat short of my total...another 30 to go tonight!).

NOW you  might understand why this time of year becomes a whirl of parties/events and things that need to be baked/crafted/prepared for. So, now I know why I craft....because if I couldn't and didn't, imagine the price of having to buy/get someone else to do it! So, my time is short, the events are numerous, but I take just a snip of satisfaction in knowing that I did as much of it as I could, myself.

As I'm writing this, I notice that my house smells of vanilla cupcakes. The kids have gone to bed, begging for "just one more"! "There's always tomorrow" I tell them, with a shooshing as I whisk them off to bed so I can bake some more! My husband is sound asleep on the couch. And what about me??? I'm about to finish that last batch before I sit down with a cup of tea....and maybe a small treat of a cupcake for myself! With 64 cupcakes in my kitchen?......who on earth is gonna notice if I eat just one????!

Thanks for stopping by! Tune in for more delights next time!! :)



  1. Sounds like a happy and busy time, save a cupcake for me! Happy Birthday!

    Best of luck with your new website!

  2. I love it all, too!...and I can smell the toasty vanilla from here =) Happy Birthday Girls!!! Kathryn

  3. Thanks ladies! Can you believe that every single cupcake got eaten? Either very good cupcakes or just starving kids!!!
